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Pottering around in the evenings

I’m Judy Joklik, a fourth year archaeology student at the University of Maryland. I’ve just finished a study abroad year at Durham, and this is my fourth year on the Bagendon project. This year, I’m the team's ‘finds person’ which means that at the end of the day, everything that gets found comes back with me to my room. Most nights we spend our evenings washing pottery so we can see what’s coming out of the features we are excavating in order to date our contexts. Now at the end of the project, most of my floorspace is taken up by bags and bags of finds - there’s too much good archaeology here! They’ll be boxed up at the end of the excavation and taken back to Durham for post-excavation processing and analysis. Sadly, that won’t be me as I’m leaving soon, but I’ll really miss looking after these finds.

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